This has been a guide to Excel column Remove Duplicates. Conditional Formatting method helps to see how much data are duplicates.The same is with the second method it also removes duplicate data and the first one is considered as unique.Using Removing Duplicates in the Data tools option keeps the first value and removes the other duplicates.Now we can see how much our data is duplicate, there are Four data which is duplicate. Step 4 – Another dialog box pops up, and excel automatically highlights the values which are duplicates.Step 3 – A dialog box appears, In the highlight cells rules, click on duplicate values,.Step 2 – Now in the Home Tab under the Styles section click on Conditional Formatting,.The above method was the second method of removing duplicates using the advanced filter tool. Step 6 – When we click on OK we can see that the data has been pasted to the destination however there are no duplicate values.Step 5 – Now select Unique records only as it will filter out the duplicate data and paste only the unique data in the new destination.Step 4 – In the copy to box, we need to give a location where the data needs to copy, for the current scenario we will choose a location in the current sheet.Step 3 – Now we need to provide the data range to the advanced filter so we will select our data in the sheet.Step 2 – Select Copy to another location.Step 1 – Under the same data tab, in the sort and filter section click on Advanced Filters, a dialog box appears.Let us consider the same data in sheet 2 and try to delete the duplicate data by using the second method. To use an advanced filter, we must first define criteria, then go to the Data tab and fill out the advanced section, advanced filter, with our criteria for the data. Now we will try to remove duplicate data from the advanced filter Advanced Filter In Excel, the advanced filter differs from the auto filter. The above method was the first method of removing duplicates. We can see that the duplicate data has been deleted from column B and only the unique values remain.

As column B is selected, we click on OK and Excel gives us a prompt that the duplicates data has been deleted and only the unique values remain.It tells us to select the column from which we want to remove duplicates, if we had selected the whole data, it would show all the columns and it is up to us to select the column from which we want to remove duplicates.After selecting, Continue with the current selection, click on remove duplicates, another dialog box appears,.As column A has just one type of data and we need to remove duplicates from column B so we will select Continue with the current selection. A dialog box appears It asks for us if we want to remove duplicates from the current selection or we want to expand our selection.Select the column B, and in the data tab, under the data tools section click on remove duplicates,.This is where removing duplicates in excel comes in handy. For a smaller amount of data we can simply count the number of names that are unique but for a larger amount of data it may take a while to figure out the same.

We want to check how many people name are mentioned in column B.